
Friday, June 4, 2010

So many posts....so little time....

Well, what can I say? Life has been a little busy, but when isn't it?! The last 4 months have gone by quickly....I always have ideas swirling around my head on topics that I want to "blog" about, but the ideas never seem to make it here.

{my phone has already rang twice and I'm telling myself I probably should take a shower while the kids are sleeping but I MUST keep blogging LOL!}

Anyways, here's a quick update on the home front. In April I got another position within the County that I work for doing something VERY different than my last job. I will spare you the details~ lets just say that I'm working with a very difficult and undesirable population of people! Changing jobs is always stressful, BUT change is GOOD :)

We have been doing a lot of work to our backyard, and I'm happy to say that we are pretty much done! It looks so beautiful. Can't wait to have lots of BBQs this summer. I will probably do a separate post on that ;)

That brings us to May ....oh how I LOVE May. A month that holds such a special place in my heart! Both of my sweet little munchkins celebrated their birthdays. {Don't ask, I'm not sure how we managed to plan that one. August must have been one happening month! j/k}

Jaylie turned 1 May 13th. I seriously cannot believe she is 1! I love her personality. She is so petite, yet feisty! My beautiful Jenna turned 5 May 28th. In light of our new house and both girls' birthdays, I HAD to have one big party!!! BUT the party deserves it's own post too, so lets just say it was a SWEET affair!

So most March, April and half of May were spent planning and plotting, I mean preparing, for the girl's birthday party. Nothing like a big event to get you motivated. That,my friends, is how/why our backyard got finished. My husband said there was no way we were going to finish everything by the party. I don't know who he thought he was talking to! When I'm determined, I'm DETERMINED! LOL

So, I've really not meant to neglect my blog, but as you can tell life as usual has gotten in the way. This is a true testament to the chronicles of a working mom. Some things just have to take a backseat. Stay tuned for the party and home improvement posts :)


  1. Can't wait!!! Great "welcome back" post!! ;)

  2. OMG I just re-read it and for some reason spell check didn't work very well! LOL I need your help on figuring some stuff out!
