
Monday, June 14, 2010

Money Making Mamas!

My recent job change has really put my life goals in perspective. I CANNOT imagine myself working in social services for the rest of my life. Everyday I think, "There has to be more to life than just working to pay the bills."
Don't get me wrong--I am very lucky to have a job in this horrible economy, and even more lucky to actually be able to pay my bills! But without dreams, where would goals come from?
I don't know about you, but I am constantly trying to find a way to be at home with my kids and still earn income. I know, I know... me and every other working mom out there! LOL But, Nevertheless it's my dream and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
I have some business ideas floating around my head, but I am no self proclaimed entrepreneur! So, on my lunch break last week I headed over to Barnes and Noble to get a better grip on how to even go about starting a business. OK, well I know just as much about starting a business as trying to pick out a book to start a business!!! But alas, I found a book that seemed to have my name written all over it!

Really, the book is awesome! I'm learning all kinds of stuff. If anything, it outlines how to make a business plan and walks you through each step. It also gives little autobiographies on regular moms who are now self made millionaires! Let me know what you think!!!! Have any tips? Please share the wealth :) Happy Monday!

♥ lindsey Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, June 11, 2010



People always ask me, "how do you balance working full time, being a mom, being a wife, daughter, cook, housekeeper, bookkeeper, professional shopper, blah, blah, blah.."

The truth? I DON'T! Here's my idea of balance:

Being a wonder woman and super mom doesn't make you a better mom. I'm all about working smarter, not harder! Life is hard enough. I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband who's not afraid to step up to the plate and help out. If I didn't have his support, I'd look like this {Which does happen anyways on rare occasions}!

Bottom line: Don't be afraid to solicit help! Create a system that works for you. Here are some tips that I try to follow:
  • Stick to a routine. (You're kids will depend on it!)
  • Divide and conquer {If my hubby cooks dinner, I'll clean up. We divide bath duty too, but that only works for an even amount of kids!}
  • Make time for yourself! (This, I'm not so great at, but getting better!)
  • I write EVERYTHING down. If it's not written, it doesn't exist!
  • Learn to let go of the little things.....*SIGH* No, my house isn't always clean and on rare occasions the kids don't always get baths.
  • Ship them off to Grandma's every once in a while for some adult time

Being a working mom is about finding balance. Some days you have it, some days you don't. When I'm on top of one area in life, then I'm deficient in another. I'm horrible at returning emails and making phone calls to friends. In this stage of life, it's all about SURVIVAL!

cute quotes Pictures, Images and Photos

♥ lindsey Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, June 4, 2010

So many posts....so little time....

Well, what can I say? Life has been a little busy, but when isn't it?! The last 4 months have gone by quickly....I always have ideas swirling around my head on topics that I want to "blog" about, but the ideas never seem to make it here.

{my phone has already rang twice and I'm telling myself I probably should take a shower while the kids are sleeping but I MUST keep blogging LOL!}

Anyways, here's a quick update on the home front. In April I got another position within the County that I work for doing something VERY different than my last job. I will spare you the details~ lets just say that I'm working with a very difficult and undesirable population of people! Changing jobs is always stressful, BUT change is GOOD :)

We have been doing a lot of work to our backyard, and I'm happy to say that we are pretty much done! It looks so beautiful. Can't wait to have lots of BBQs this summer. I will probably do a separate post on that ;)

That brings us to May ....oh how I LOVE May. A month that holds such a special place in my heart! Both of my sweet little munchkins celebrated their birthdays. {Don't ask, I'm not sure how we managed to plan that one. August must have been one happening month! j/k}

Jaylie turned 1 May 13th. I seriously cannot believe she is 1! I love her personality. She is so petite, yet feisty! My beautiful Jenna turned 5 May 28th. In light of our new house and both girls' birthdays, I HAD to have one big party!!! BUT the party deserves it's own post too, so lets just say it was a SWEET affair!

So most March, April and half of May were spent planning and plotting, I mean preparing, for the girl's birthday party. Nothing like a big event to get you motivated. That,my friends, is how/why our backyard got finished. My husband said there was no way we were going to finish everything by the party. I don't know who he thought he was talking to! When I'm determined, I'm DETERMINED! LOL

So, I've really not meant to neglect my blog, but as you can tell life as usual has gotten in the way. This is a true testament to the chronicles of a working mom. Some things just have to take a backseat. Stay tuned for the party and home improvement posts :)